I got my first grand piano today!!! xD..So happy n excited..
It is my first grand piano.. my new new new husband!
it's so lengzai~ black in color(帅).. 500kg.. too fat... RMxx,xxx
Watching those ppl carried the grand piano from the ground floor to the second floor, it's really thrilled me.. 2 guys pulled on the front n 2 other guys pushed on the back.. carried the piano from ground floor to the first floor took them nearly 30 minutes.. really... GENG..
they tried to protect the piano as well.. but i just worried bout them.. i really scared that they got what 'dong gua dao fu', then jiu cham le........ but luckily they didn't get hurt..
After that, When they reached the first floor.. they only found that they cannot continue carry it into our music centre.. coz the handrail blocked the piano.. the piano is too big!
So.. What can we do? Saw it? SURE! We really sawed it.. we were so '大牌'..
大牌 until wan to saw the handrail.. LMAO!
i can't imagine that if the shop owner saw this.. sure he will 'pengsan'.. xD
Anyway.. we sawed it.. then the piano can carried up..
Push push push.. Pull pull pull...
after a few minutes.. the piano ( my husband ) was in the music center..my aunty's room..
They started fix this fix that.. blablablabla..
Finally.. they took out the comforter..
Wa! It's really very very lengzai.. really lengzai.. the sound is nice, although they haven't tuned it yet..
nice touching ( the keyboard ).. I Love IT!
I like to say thank you to a person that who bought me this.. that's my daddy..
Thank You so Muchhhh, Daddy! I Love U!
U bought me too many things dy.. actually i was very surprised that you'll bought me the grand piano n the violin too.. Its cost u alot.. >.<.. i will repay to u daddy.. n of course those ppl who carried the piano from the ground floor to my aunty's music center so difficulty.. Thank you very very muchhhh... ohya.. and also 地主公公 too.. thank you =).. bcoz of u.. they can complete their difficulty mission sound n save... phiew....
Enjoy the photos!
The Lorry Reached..
The piano were out of the lorry..

Pulling n Pushing Up!
My aunt wiv the sawed handrail! LOL!
Getting up to second floor.. =//
outside the door..
My husband finally entered the music center.. xD
Installing the legs..
Removing the comforter..
K.Kawai Baby Grand Piano 883996