Tuesday, January 31, 2012


最近搞什么啊!一回到来就发生了超多事情... =.= 

回到KL的第一天,我的车差点不能Start... 不过幸亏过后又能start了~真的是吓死我...... ok... 情绪稳定了,本来想说上上网写些东西才睡觉的... 一开电脑... No Connection!!! Why?!!! 

我等到酱辛苦,为什么要给我No Connection??? T.T 那时候真的很想哭...为什么上天要这样对待我?算了... 睡觉去~

隔天,也就是今天... 第一天去college就睡迟,还赖床叻~真的是顶不顺我自己.... 早餐也没吃就冲去了College.. 幸亏没有塞车,不然我真的是............ 

现在的我,坐在电脑前面,一脸无奈的样子... 为什么?我的SD card 不能detect.. T.T 啊~ 我要用照片写blog啦!!!

今天在车里听到的歌... 蛮喜欢的... 分享~ ♥ =) Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up....

Sunday, January 29, 2012

年初六~ The 6th day of the Dragon Year...

快乐的时光终是过得特别快.... 一转眼, 我已经回来8天了~不知不觉的~新年已经是第六天了...明天就初七... 明明就很不甘愿的,但是还是要回去KL~很sad叻.... 为什么上天要那么的残酷?T.T 我不想回去 >.< 我想要时间永远停留在这一刻!! 我要自由!! 

算了吧~再怎么抱怨都好还是得回去... 星期一就有课了.. 又要回到我那超级忙碌的生活了.. 不过好才Solfege老师自请两天假,不用早醒~ hehehehehe.. But, 回到去还是有一大堆事情要做... >.< 为什么我会这么忙啊?! Why?! 啊~算了吧~还是这一句...

今天最后一天了,其实也过得还蛮不错的啦.. 除了下午.. =.= 一阵天都在下雨.. 这是想怎样啊?又不是雨季,下什么雨啊?躺在床上也没事做.. 突然 收到 Verone (我的course mate)的讯息,说他已经发谱给我了(原因:她要我帮她伴奏)... 结果去开..我惨了~ 不需要那么长吧?(真的很长)我只有4天的时间叻~我时间有限叻...太残忍了啦~ >.< 过后Print了出来就冲去楼下练琴!!

Poor Wandering One..  and

I could have danced all night!! 

太长了吧~ @.@


练练练练... 哇~7.30p.m 了,惨了~我迟到了.. >.< 约了囧,Cc, 和伟祥在 Kemaman Station 吃晚餐,结果没开..再换去Secret Recipe.. 好久没来了.. 好怀念哦~ >.< 点了Chicken Cordan Bleu + iced chocolate whipped cream   ,还蛮不错好吃下的.. =D 而囧囧有是点了Fish & Chip (Kid's Meal) .. =.=  都这么大了还点Kid's Meal.. 真是受不了她..

吃饱饱了~Next stop.. Elaine's house..^^ 本来都还好好的.. 结果因为某些事大家都 'zeh' 掉了..也没心情唱歌了.. 突然间,想回以前我们去拜访老人院的那个时候.. 再想回我们以前做的傻事,还真的蛮多的.. 原来我都很久没有翻看我手机里的录影片了.. 超多回忆的.. 尤其是在Form 5 的时候.. 什么傻事都做得出..年轻嘛.. 年轻就要酱玩.. hahahaha..  ( later i'll post all the video in next post.. =] stay tuned.. ) 

Sad啦~有是时候说拜拜了.. >.< 要回家了啦.. 不过回家前还是去了喝茶.. 结果就遇到了真的是很久没有遇到的朋友,思韵和AhLip...真的很久没有见到他了.. 还有见到万祥... 点了Roti Canai Kosong + Teh O Limau Iced (真亏我还吃得下.... )  

吃完了,大家都赶着回家了..因为明天大家都要回去了.. 回去过各自不同的生活..Sad啦~(又来.. beh tahan...) 回到家... 走进房间,看着衣柜... 打开行李箱,把该带的衣服都放进去..不知不觉行李箱满了..收拾包袱,真的要回去了...再见了我的家乡~Kemaman... T.T

Friday, January 27, 2012


昨晚尽然梦到了些奇怪的事~ 我尽然梦到Zombie出现在Alaska.. OMG.. 我尽然会梦到这样的梦... 是不是我太累了?还是在不久后真的会发生?不要吧~~ 我每次都会梦到一些奇奇怪怪的事的.. 不过这次的瞒特别的.. 尽然有Zombie的角色... 超级夸张....

我梦到我去了Alaska,好像是去那里读书..(我也不知道为什么是Alaska,就醒来就认为是哪里) 然后在机场就遇到很多很多Zombie.. 而且还有炸弹!! 就人类与Zombie之战...=.=  那些Zombie一个一个的去咬人,就很多人变了zombie... 很多人都在躲都在反抗~就有很多炸弹飞来飞去,很多炸弹声很多细节我都不是记得很清楚了.. 最后好像是人类在战胜的那一刻我坐在飞机里面看到窗外有一座很美很美的石头山..五颜六色的.. 很美... 应该不会在现实中出现吧~ 不过真的是很美很美~ >.<  在网上也找不到... 太可惜了... 没关系等到我退休了我去造一个吧.. 哈哈哈哈~白痴.... =.=...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Chinese New Year

2012的新年,好没气氛... 年30晚倒数,放完烟花就收工了... 有够无聊的..一点气氛也没有... 年初一,更惨~早上才听到那么一次的锣鼓声...换是以前,从早响到晚... 现在~没有了..想回以前小时候的新年~还没更亲戚拜完年就要赶着出去见朋友了~ 还很紧张叻~ 去到了朋友家就开始我们的旅程~是走路去一间一间家拜年哦~而且还被晒到黑黑的,脚有时还流血叻~多艰难啊~

哪像现在的小朋友~去哪里都是坐车的,又不用被晒黑... 不然就是全部呆在家打Dota...(最讨厌的) 咳~人生啊~(被传染了) 所以今年的街上都是冷冷清清的~没有喧哗声,也没有鞭炮声...这就是新年吗?明年的新年也会这样吗?不要吧~

(一边喝着100 plus,一边写Blog.. 突然婆婆走过来问我:“你太得空没事做了是吗?,一个人坐在外面玩电脑,家里没得玩咩?” 哈哈哈哈~ 家里的风没有酱大酱有味道嘛~ 然后他就进去啦.. xD 可爱的婆婆...   )

其实我不是想说今年的新年真的是很差很差~就少了那么一点的气氛.. 就是那个气氛... 没有了...  

今年我还过得蛮不错啦...去了很多地方,一天可以去三个不同的地方,这才叫厉害... 年初二早上一早就爬起床梳洗准备去KT. 2个小时半一趟,来回就五个小时了...然后晚上又去关丹... 45分钟... 来回一个小时多... 我坐在车里多过去拜年叻...做到我屁股都痛了...冤枉啊~

*我不知道要写什么了~今天就到这里先吧..... 想到了再写~ =D Happy Dragon Year~! 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Baby En!

Recently, my home has added a new family member.. a baby girl, that's Jin En! actually she born on 3rd Jan.. and this is a late post.. hehehehehe.. :P 

Can't deny that she's a really cute baby.. she has deep double-edged eyelid too.. so beautiful >.< i guess when she grows up there will be alot of love pursuer.. xD She loves to smile.. when you look at her, you'll feel like you're in a paradise watching an angel's sleeping.. after looking at her.. my stress gone.. and the strangest thing that happen on her is she can sleep whatever situation happen to her.. no matter what position you cuddle her or swing her or move her body, she won't awake.. hahahahaha.. that's cute right? :P.. and she won't disturb by any noise, like the sound of dog barking, loud tv sound, etc... she just sleep~ so good.. i wish i could liked her too.. (i'm a light sleeper..) I love her so much!!! ♥

i love this so much.. SMILE =D


(⊙o⊙)哦~不要吵我啦... xD

Sunday, January 15, 2012

FlashMob in da KLIA!! ♥

其实我无从下手,不知道要从哪里开始好~ 因为真的是太多东西要写了.. >~< (其实还没有开始发这篇文章之前我犹豫了很久到底要写哪一个先.........)  

Few days before 2012, i saw a post in my college department's group.. FlashMob Job in KLIA..  WOW~ what's this?! It sounds cool.. Does it happen in Malaysia before? This opportunity was invited by my very very senior a guy who name RenJie.. "Payment Job" ( i started get more interest on it! =D) performed venue, KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) and we only need to perform not more than 1 min.. that sounds good to me.. and since my course-mates were joining it then at the end i joined it.. actually the main organised is MAS (Malaysia Airlines), and the mian reason to have this is to promote the social things..blablabla.. anyway, i am just a performer.. no need to know much.. 

Received the schedule from my senior, and started to take a look on it.. After i looked it, i said "OMG" to myself.. Rehearsal Schedule : Mon - Wed, from 8p.m to 12a.m
                                             Thurs - from 12a.m to 2a.m @.@
                                             Friday - from 12a.m to 4a.m !! SIAO!!
Then the next day, that means Saturday, we have to perform it..  Crazy man... i was wondering that can i "tahan" it? z.z I need to plan it well.. 

Rehearsal Time... the performs were seperated into different different culture of songs..  They planned English songs, Indian song, Chinese song, and a malay song.. we're getting the order the sing the chinese song and the rest of the group of performers will perform the rest..  actually our steps are very easy.. we just have to walk from a distance to another distance.. not that far... and then just act like a China or Taiwan tourists... sounds stupid.. and then we have to sing 浪花一朵朵 also... LOL... and of course we'll sing the malay song as well for the ending.. 

Lets the photos to speak out all my words.. =)

1. Group Photos

2. With Course mates and more....

Baby hat..stupid.. =..=

(still a baby.. xD)

Tea time.. ♥

"Chinese version" Tugu Negara..

Go Go Power Ranger!!

Our Tour Guide..


Worked hard, sacrificed my time and beauty for this job.. We got well performed =).. and we got a new experience that we haven't gain before.. what i've written down will be my a part of my history.. 

*What we did will be recorded and it will be published in youtube or somewhere else.. Can't wait to see it.. xD

This is only a news, not the full version.. Pls be patient to wait for the original version. =) TQ... 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Miss. Lonely


结果 :不会再有第二次!.. =.=" 


跟朋友一起的时候,他们都会说:“走!去走街先..”, 可是我一个人,根本毫无去向....


The Darkest Hour, 我今天要看的第一部戏...
D05, 我的座位号码... 我的左右尽然是男的 =.=...
没关系... 电影还没有开始...我右边的就一直讲话...左边的呢......我不想说.....

1. 一个人的的电影......
2. 一个人的戏票.....

一个小时半的 The Darkest Hour,其实不怎么喜欢... 因为整部戏还想没有什么story line(我觉得啦).....
我要去那里?!!! 我真的要疯了!
不过最后还是去了Starbucks 和我最爱喝的Chocolate Cream Chip!! 

第二部戏Laughing Gor 之潜罪犯2...这次我不是一个人了..哈哈哈哈哈哈...
算了吧~有好过没有... =)

总结论:我亲爱的朋友们,下次你们一定要陪我去看电影走街,我不要在一个人了 T.T...
             还有还有~还是Mission Impossible : Ghost Protocol 最好看! Tom Cruise!!  =P

For Jiong

Yes.. i got some problem now.. a new problem.. i can't post any comment in fb!!!!! Damn it!
  For : Jiong (Yuen Ling)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What happen to my "lovely" facebook account? @#$%^&

WTH!! What happen to my "lovely" facebook account? WHAT'S WRONG?! is it been hacked? or my laptop got virus? don't kidding me @.@ since the last sunday, my webpage page will suddenly pop out some games apps or i should say when imma browsing some webpage, it will automatically switch to facebook game apps.. weird..** It's automatically, wasn't i purposely click them.. it's so annoying!! !@#$#& 

after i've tried so many times to change my password, account setting and privacy setting.. but.. still the same!! this is the best part.. =.=" !@#$%^$&*

Could it be STOPPED?! and don't ever comes again! i hate it! SHOO!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Two thousand & twelve

Friends... don't complain bout why i didn't update my blog. 
i know it's my fault that i've frozen it for so long long time..
Isn't that i dunwan to update it, is just that i got nothing to write.. =.=
and as well i'm not a good story teller (i admit it)...

Well.. Refreshed my blog (it took me almost 2 hours to finish it.. seriously)...
a brand new pink templates, new design, and new songs in my playlist (A Thousand Year & Count On Me)..
New year, new design =D 
Hope u all will like it~ ;)

2012, started 4 days ago.. i still keep on telling ppl the wrong year as well write the wrong date on every single..so forgetful >.<.. 5 more days, hav to return to my college life.. new lecturers, juniors, expecting.. Results.. T.T(i'm nt going to say a single word bout that).. 

what i expect in 2012? or i should say what i wish in 2012.. actually alot!! xD
I want vacation, new car, money, love, new phone, blablabla.. it won't has a full stop.. xP
The most i hope it won't comes is the so called "The End of World" 2012.. >~<
I still got so many things haven't do.. I haven't travel around the world, get perform infront of a thousand of people, find my true love.. T.T i dont want to die so early!! i want to live until i'm 80 or 90++... God, pls protect us.. We love you,God..